Секреты английского языка

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ОГЭ Тест 26 Раздел чтение

Прочитайте тексты и определите, в каком из текстов A — F содержатся ответы на интересующие Вас вопросы 1 — 7. Один из вопросов останется без ответа.

A. For intelligence, ravens rate up with chimpanzees and dolphins. These birds have the largest brain of any bird species. Ravens can push rocks on people to keep them from climbing to their nests and play dead to scare other ravens away from a delicious meal. If a raven knows another raven is watching, it hides the tasty bits. It pretends to put the food in one place but hides it in another.

B. It’s amazing to watch ravens sliding on snow-covered roofs. For fun, they also roll down snowy hills. Ravens often play keep-away with other animals like wolves, foxes and dogs. They even make toys—a rare animal behaviour—from sticks, pine cones, golf balls, or rocks to play with each other or by themselves. When they feel bored, they mock other creatures like crows, cats and dogs and find it very amusing.

C. According to surveys, the ravens are one of the main reasons why tourists come to see the Tower of London. Nobody knows when the ravens first appeared there but there is a belief that at least six ravens must always remain on the territory of the Tower. Otherwise, the British Monarchy may fall. To prevent the birds from flying away their wings are clipped every three weeks.

D. In the past, in some cultures, people were truly afraid of these dark birds. In Germany, ravens were considered to be the incarnation of criminals’ souls. In Sweden, ravens were thought to be the souls of murdered people. And in Denmark, people believed that it was dangerous to look at ravens because you could turn into a raven yourself.

E. Sometimes people find injured ravens and take them home, but it’s really challenging. These birds require a lot of care, a lot of freedom and a lot of time. Ravens are wild creatures, and they cannot be treated like cats and dogs are. If the bird is strong and healthy, it is unfair and cruel to keep it in captivity. In some countries it’s even illegal. So if you really love and admire these birds, enjoy them from a distance.

F. These birds are often confused with each other because they are both black birds. Even people who are well aware of the differences between them can get confused. Ravens are larger than crows, with thicker beaks and longer tails. Ravens have a deeper voice than crows.

ОГЭ Тест 26 Раздел чтение

1. Why were ravens considered to be scary and dangerous birds?
2. Why is keeping a raven as a pet really difficult?
3. How do ravens entertain themselves?
4. What is a raven’s essentialdiet?
5. How can you distinguish a raven from a crow?
6. Why are ravens important for Great Britain?
7. What tricks do ravens play to get and save their food?

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