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Разница между because и so

2022-12-09 // 2 Comments

Два слова because и so, часто вызывают затруднения у изучающих английский язык. Объясним наглядно  в чем разница между ними и как правильно употреблять. Because  ставится после действия, объяснения причины, по которой что-то происходит. I took my umbrella because it was raining. Tom couldn’t come because he had Читать далее →

Because or so

2022-12-09 // 1 Comment

So  и  because два слова, которые почему-то нередко вызывают затруднения у студентов, их часто путают. Because - (потому что) после него мы объясняем Причину. So - (поэтому) после so идёт Следствие. Вашему вниманию предлагаем  пройти тест на проверку знаний. Читать далее →

тест на правила чтения

2022-12-07 // 0 Comments

Тест проверяет усвоение материала по правилам чтения гласных букв в английском языке. В английском одна и та же буква может отображать разные звуки в зависимости от того, какие буквы ее окружают. Запомните, что окончание —ED никогда не произносится как /ed/, только /ɪd/, а также просто /t/ или /d/.   Читать далее →

Что выбрать tall or high

2022-12-07 // 0 Comments

Прилагательные tall и high переводятся  как «высокий», но их употребление в английском языке отличается. tall используется как «высокий» по отношению к людям, зданиям, деревьям (к тонким и высоким предметам). high используют, когда нужно описать большое расстояние от низа до верха, употребляют в отношении предметов, которые больше в ширину, чем в высоту: горы, заборы, стены, здания. Читать далее →

ЕГЭ 2023 Тест 2 Раздел чтение

2022-12-06 // 0 Comments

Экзаменационная работа по английскому языку (ЕГЭ) состоит из четырёх разделов («Аудирование», «Чтение», «Грамматика и лексика», «Письменная речь»), включающих в себя 40 заданий. Данный тест на проверку раздела «Чтение». Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными номерами 1–7. Эти номера соответствуют заданиям 1–7, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Выберете правильный вариант ответа. Becky Becky met Professor Alan Dobson at the lecture. His lecture was devoted to the British role after the war. Becky had fallen in love with Alan even before he started to speak. It was love at first 1 ______. He was very handsome with a head of thick grey hair and large blue eyes. His athletic build belied his age, and 2 ______ that he must spend almost as many hours in the gym as in the library. The second he began to 3 ______, Becky was captivated by Dobson’s energy, and within moments he had everyone in the auditorium sitting on the edge of their seats. Students began furiously writing 4 ______ his every word. Speaking without notes, the professor nimbly switched from subject to subject, the role of Downing Street after the war, the dollar as the new world currency, oil becoming the commodity that would dominate the second half of the century and the future role of the British monarchy. When his lecture came to an end, Becky’s only regret was that he’d scarcely 5 ______ on transport, with just a passing mention of how the airplane would change the new world order, both for business and tourism. She wanted him to expand his views on the future of the British shipping industry. But like a seasoned pro, he 6 ______ his audience that he had written a book on the subject. Becky wouldn’t be waiting for Christmas to get hold of a copy. It made her think about Ben, and hope his book 7 ______ was going as well in France. Читать далее →

ЕГЭ Тест 3 — Раздел чтение

2022-12-06 // 0 Comments

Экзаменационная работа по английскому языку (ЕГЭ) состоит из четырёх разделов («Аудирование», «Чтение», «Грамматика и лексика», «Письменная речь»), включающих в себя 40 заданий. Данный тест на проверку раздела "Чтение" Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую БУКВУ только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний. The State History Museum is the largest historical museum in Russia. It is situated at the northern end of Red Square in the heart of Moscow. What once was the Principal Medicine Store now houses a huge collection A_______________________ the Stone Age. It was founded in 1872 and opened to the public in 1883. The museum is housed in a neo-Russian style building, B_______________________. It is one of the most prominent buildings in Red Square. Each room is in the style of a different period or region. The walls in some rooms are decorated in the style of Russian churches. The impressive collection of the State History Museum includes relics of prehistoric tribes C_______________________ present-day Russia. The exhibits about medieval Russia are excellent. Several rooms of this period cover the Mongol invasions D_______________________. The 2nd floor is dedicated to the Imperial period. The exhibits include personal items of the royal family members, furniture and decoration from the palace interiors. There are also various pieces of artworks and documents from the era. Specific rooms are dedicated to the reigns of various tsars. An unexpected highlight is an exhibition E_______________________ by examining the growing network of roads and how people travelled in the past. The State History Museum has also the country’s largest coin collection, the 6th-century manuscripts and artworks F_______________________ during their reign. Читать далее →

Цветы — flowers по-английски

2022-12-04 // 0 Comments

Вашему вниманию предлагаем узнать какие бывают цветы на английском языке с переводом , познакомиться с стихотворениями о цветах и рассмотреть популярные идиомы на тему растений и цветов. orchid [ˈɔː.kɪd] — орхидея daffodil [ˈdæf.ə.dɪl] — нарцисс lily [ˈlɪl.i] — лилия chrysanthemums[krɪˈsænθ.ə.məm] Читать далее →

ЕГЭ 2023 Тест 1 Раздел чтение

2022-12-01 // 0 Comments

Экзаменационная работа по английскому языку (ЕГЭ) состоит из четырёх разделов («Аудирование», «Чтение», «Грамматика и лексика», «Письменная речь»), включающих в себя 40 заданий. Данный тест на проверку раздела "Чтение" Установите соответствие между текстами A–G и заголовками 1–8. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний. 1. Importance to people 2. Types of migrating birds 3. A way of spending free time 4. Where birds migrate 5. Behaviour and feeding habits 6. Causes of bird extinction 7. Causes of bird migration 8. Where birds live A. Birds are distinguished from all other animals by their feathers. Some types of birds live alone most of the time. Other types are more social. They may sleep, fly, and nest in groups called flocks. Birds use different sounds to communicate with one another. For example, some baby chicks stop moving when their mother produces a danger call. They may also sing to announce that a certain patch of land belongs to them. Many types eat insects. Some water birds catch fish. Many other types eat plant material. B. Birds are found almost everywhere on Earth. There are more than 10,000 types of birds. All birds have similar features. The loss of a complete bird species may be inevitable because they are too sensitive to rapid changes. Birds living on small islands, or in desert or mountainous regions, can be vulnerable to slight changes in climate, while even minor disruptions of forest habitats can affect the breeding habits and survival of others. In some regions, it is the hunting of birds, for sport or to trade their pelts, that is the greatest threat. C. Birds have spread throughout all parts of Earth because of their ability to fly. They live in a great variety of habitats, including fields, forests, grasslands, deserts, marshes, islands, and the open ocean. The size of an area and the diversity of the habitats help determine the number of species found in a given area. Many birds migrate, or fly long distances between their winter and summer homes. For example, many European birds travel to Africa for the winter. This helps them find enough food year-round. D. Every bird when it is seen for the first time brings a thrill of discovery. The spring migration is a fresh wonder every year. The surprise and delight of coming across a rarity and the difficulty of keeping it in view long enough to be sure of what it is help to make bird-watching an endless fascination. Birdwatching is a hobby that can be enjoyed for a lifetime. In bird clubs the membership ranges in age from young children to grandparents. Bird-watching can combine healthy outdoor activity with the pursuit of beauty and knowledge. E. Some birds never move far from where they were born whereas others migrate and can travel huge distances in the process. Birds migrate from one summer season to the other. Although they take a lot of risk when they migrate, for many of them it significantly improves their chances of survival and allows them to raise more offspring in another region. Birds migrate to move from areas of low or decreasing resources to areas of high or increasing resources. F. Birds and their eggs have been sources of food for humans since their origin and still are in most societies. With the rise of agriculture, birds became important to farmers. In their constant search for food, wild birds eat huge numbers of insects, weed seeds, and rodents. Insects, weeds, and rodents cut down the amount of food the farmer can harvest from field, garden, and orchard. Many people keep birds as pets. Small finches and parrots are especially popular. Zoological parks are a source of recreation for millions of people each year. G. Migration is often annual. It is closely linked with the cyclic pattern of the seasons. It is most evident among birds, which have a highly efficient means of traveling swiftly over long distances. The migration of most birds is a yearly cycle. Not all birds migrate. Permanent residents do not migrate. They are able to find adequate supplies of food year-round. Short-distance migrants move only a short distance. Medium-distance migrants cover distances that span from one to several states. There are also long-distance migrants. Читать далее →

New Year’s resolutions — новогодние обещания.

2022-12-01 // 0 Comments

Поздравляем всех с наступающем новым годом. Новый год, новые планы и мечты. Наша команда желает вам чтобы все мечты сбывались и реализовывались новые планы. У англичан есть традиция: вступая в новый год, написать себе план — resolution и попытаться его осуществить. Вашему Читать далее →

Что выбрать then or than

2022-11-30 // 2 Comments

Слово than используется, когда мы сравниваем 2 объекта. Слово then мы говорим о том, что какое-то событие происходит  в прошлом или в будущем. Читать далее →
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