Секреты английского языка

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Тест Degrees of comparison (3)

Тест Degrees of comparison (3)Правила образования степеней сравнения английских прилагательных и наречий довольно простые, но есть много «коварных» нюансов. Именно из таких нюансов составлен наш тест.

Тест взят из материалов конкурса «British Bulldog». Уровень теста — intermediate.

Degrees of comparison (3)

1. She is … younger than her sister.
2. His illness is … serious than he thought.
3. The older the children get, the … independent they become.
4. It"s becoming harder and … to find a job.
5. She isn"t as fast … Sally.
6. He is the … hardworking of all.
7. You are taller than … .
8. I like skiing … as skating.
9. Who is … among your friends?
10. It"s the … film I"ve ever seen.

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